Firmware (LuxOS)
API Docs
LUXMiner commands



List the relevant miner events currently happening. This command may return one or more events (see details below), which most often than not represent an abnormal occurrence on the miner or one of its components.

More than one event can happen for a single component, but if the same event happens more than once, the timestamp is from the first occurrence. Once the underlying cause of the event is solved, the event disappears from the list.


$ echo '{"command": "events"}' | nc $MINER_IP 4028 | jq

Currently, the following events are available:

Event codeDescription
SLEEPMiner is in Sleep mode.
IDLEMiner is in Idle mode.
NOPIC_PROTECTIONMiner shutdown due to NOPIC protection.
OVERTEMP_PROTECTIONBoard overtemp protection triggered.
NO_ACTIVE_POOLSNo active pools available.
FAN_PANICFan panic.
NOPIC_SHUTDOWNBoard protection activated for this board.
REBOOT_SYSINITBoard reboot due to system initialization. This can take up to 5 minutes, depending on the model.
BOARD_OVERTEMP_SHUTDOWNBoard failure due to high temperature.
BOARD_NOT_ENOUGH_SENSORS_FAILUREBoard failure due to not enough working sensors.
BOARD_CRITICAL_SENSOR_FAILUREBoard failure due to a critical sensor failure.
REBOOT_NOT_HASHINGBoard reboot due to it not hashing.
BOARD_ASIC_INIT_FAILUREBoard failure due to ASIC initialization failure.
BOARD_ASIC_ENUMERATION_FAILUREBoard failure due to ASIC enumeration failure.
BOARD_CRITICAL_PIC_FAILUREBoard failure due to critical PIC failure
REBOOT_USERBoard reboot due to user request.
SHUTDOWN_USERBoard shutdown due to user request.
BOARD_NOT_DETECTEDBoard was removed or connection to control board is faulty.
BOARD_HIGH_TEMPERATUREBoard temperature is above user defined Hot Temperature. Consider activating ATM.
FAN_FAILUREFan failure.


$ echo '{"command": "events"}' | nc $MINER_IP 4028 | jq
  "EVENTS": [
      "Code": "SHUTDOWN_USER",
      "CreatedAt": "2018-03-09T12:51:53+00:00",
      "Description": "Board shutdown due to user request.",
      "ID": 2,
      "Target": "BOARD"
  "STATUS": [
      "Code": 357,
      "Description": "LUXminer 2025.2.17.181707-ac0bd418",
      "Msg": "Miner Events",
      "STATUS": "S",
      "When": 1520599918
  "id": 1

Note that the meaning of the ID field depends on the value of the Target field. In the example above, this means that the shutdown event is happening to the third board (board 2). Currently, the targets BOARD, FAN and MINER can be returned; of those, only the MINER target does not have an ID because it is used to signal machine-wide occurrences.

Field details

CodeThe code that identifies the event
CreatedAtWhen the event first happened
DescriptionA brief description of the event
IDIf present, the unique identifier of the component that triggered the event.
TargetCan be MINER, BOARD or FAN. Together with the ID, this helps to identify the exact component that is having problems.